再見米蘭達 Saying goodbye to Miranda

Published on January 27, 2023 by admin

製作公司:8899 Creative Limited
導演:黃民達 Sam Wong (Wong Man Tat)
編劇: 黃民達 Sam Wong (Wong Man Tat)
美術指導: 關佩儀 Venus Kwan (Kwan Pui Yee)
剪接師: 黃民達 Sam Wong (Wong Man Tat)
歌手:薛德勇 Monkey
唱片公司:第十六製作有限公司 16th Productions Limited

填詞:陳克華 Dickson
編曲:吳小銘 Samuel Ng、薛德勇 Monkey、陳章棨 Kay Chan

Miranda 決定離開到外國發展其初創的紋身事業,離開當天,因為安排不妥當,導致時間緊迫,當日上午還在搬運家中物件進行越洋物流,幸得他的哥哥協助才可完成,距離上機只剩下幾小時,兄長之前已約定了妹妹她在離開前上門探望母親,搬運過後,妹妹鬆了一口氣,便認真感受到不想去面對過去,然後悄悄地離開。在妹妹上車離開前,兄長找到了她並搶了其旅行篋,經過一番爭辯,妹妹講出了心底話,最終二人一起回到母親家中,兄長幫忙換上了母親的旅行篋,但母親要求女兒將物件拿走,妹妹表面拒絕,但亦留意了一些童年成長物品,兄長再嘗試為大家打圓場但不果。

Miranda decided to leave for a foreign country to develop her tattoo business. On the day of departure, due to improper arrangements, the time was tight. That morning, she was still moving the belongings at home for transoceanic logistics. Thanks to his brother’s assistance, she manage to finish the moving. She promise her brother that she would visit her mother before leaving. But after the moving, Miranda felt that she did not want to face the past, and then left quietly. Her brother found her and snatched her baggage. They had a big fight but finally they went back to their mother’s house together. They have unhappy moment in the house and their mother asked Miranda to take the items away. The brother tried to smooth things over for everyone but failed. At the end, Miranda left alone, but she found that she had left her hand bag behind. In the moment of searching her baggage, she found one of her childhood doll in her baggage. She was very encouraged. The little bag she left behind.

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