撫 A Touch of Sin

Published on January 28, 2023 by admin

製作公司:Ranger Production 浪人映像
導演:蔡嘉豪 Choi Ka Ho
編劇: 蔡嘉豪 Choi Ka Ho
美術指導: 梁凱儀、戴⽟婷 Jill Leung Tammy Tai
剪接師: 張海珊 Quennie Cheung
歌手:鍾浩賢 Keith Chung
唱片公司:MetaCulture Limited

作曲:Ariel Lai
編曲:Ariel Lai
監製:Ariel Lai


Jack is an air conditioner cleaner. One day he was hired by a local massage shop for once time service. After he finished his work, the owner invited him to have a free massage and asked a girl to do massage for Jack. Jack wanted to reject because he was sweaty and dirty after work. The girl treated him gently and softly. They talked happily. Finally, Jack found that the massage owner not only his junior secondary school classmate but also being bullied by him before

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