我與怪物 My Monster

Published on January 28, 2023 by admin

製作公司:鍊金製作 Alchemist Production
導演:鄭資城 Will Cheng Chi Shing
編劇: 鄭資城、鄭資姿 Will Cheng Chi Shing, Chi Chi Cheng
美術指導: 梁凱儀、戴⽟婷 Jill Leung Hoi Yee, Tammy Tai Yuk Ting
剪接師: 鄭資城 Will Cheng Chi Shing
歌手:Laurie Lau
唱片公司:Laurie’s Corner

歌名:Alone Together
作曲:Laurie Lau
填詞:Laurie Lau
編曲:Laurie Lau
監製:Laurie Lau


Orphan Starry turned eighteen and was asked to leave the orphanage to live independently. He was given a key to a house left by his dead parents, where he encounters a monster. The story tells that the estrange companionship between the two and how they uncover their past connections which holds the key to Starry’s lifelong loneliness.

聲明: 個別微電影可能包含暴力、裸露或其他成人情節,敬請觀眾注意。建議任何十八歲以下人士需在成人陪伴下觀看。